Eastern Fall Meet

(scroll down for 2024 paperwork)

The Eastern Fall Nationals takes place each year during the 1st full week in October. The Hershey Region began hosting the show in 1955 and has done so each year since then.

The meet is located in beautiful Hershey, PA on the grounds and parking lots surrounding Hersheypark and The Giant Center. Hershey is considered one of the largest antique automobile shows and flea markets in the United States.


Here’s some important paperwork for 2024!

Specialty Codes

Car Corral News

Flea Market Registration Information


AACA Advertising Form

Events Include:

Car Corral, Flea Market, Friday Car Show, High Wheeler Contest, Race Car Condition Run, Judging School,  AACA Juniors, Talent Show and Old Time Movie Night.